Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring?

You will need to bring an acceptable ID, the documents that are to be notarized, and any other people who are signing the documents. If you need documents printed, I can provide this for an additional fee.

What do we do if multiple signers can’t meet at the same time?

We can schedule more than one appointment. Travel fees will apply to both appointments. You are not required to use the same notary at each appointment.

What do I do if I don’t have an acceptable ID?

You can use two credible witnesses that know you and have their own IDs. More information is available on the What’s Needed Page.

Can I use an expired ID?

Yes, so long as it was issued within the past five years.

Does the document signer need to speak English?

The signer needs to be able to communicate with the notary without a translator. I am only fluent in English.

Do the documents need to be in English?

No, the notary is not responsible for the content of the document and can sign documents written in any language.